


Everything in Basedash is contained within a workspace

Typically, each workspace corresponds with a single company or personal project. Team members can be added to the workspace to collaborate within Basedash using teams.



Name: The name of you workspace.

Logo URL: The logo displayed alongside your workspace name.

Allow non-admins to invite new members: If you would like to allow non-admins the ability to invite others to you workspace, enable this option. Non-admins will only be able to invite others at their same permission level or lower.

Display database dates in user’s timezone: Will display dates in the user’s local browser timezone. You’ll want to disable this option if you want everyone to see the same date and time in the user interface. Only applies for database columns that are timezone aware.

Receive weekly digest emails: We will send you a weekly email summarizing the changes in the records of your team’s views.

Activity feed


The activity feed shows all the edits, deletions, and action runs done within a workspace. This includes any activity from within any team. The amount of activity displayed is limited by the plan you are on.

To get the precise date and time an activity occurred, hover over the relative time to see a tooltip with the precise time.


Members are the people who have access to a workspace. Workspace members can either be admins or non-admins. Anyone in your workspace is able to invite other members. Once the invitation is sent, they will receive an email notifying them that they’ve been added to the workspace. Non-admins can only invite other users as non-admins. Only admins can mark others as admins.

There is a workspace-level option you can toggle to prevent non-admins from inviting other people to your workspace.


Workspace admins are able to do everything within a workspace, this includes:

  • Creating, deleting, and viewing connections
  • Creating, deleting, and updating teams
  • Creating and editing pages in teams
  • Changing other member’s role
  • Configure domain-based access
  • Managing billing information

Admins have access to all pages in all teams.


Workspace plan and billing information can be managed by admins from the billing modal.

  • Upgrade/downgrade your plan
  • View your invoice and payment history
  • Cancel your subscription
  • Update your payment details
  • Download invoices


By adding a domain you control to Basedash, you can:

  • Allow user with an email corresponding with the domain to automatically be added to your workspace.
  • Enable SSO for users with emails corresponding with your domain.

In order to use a domain, you will need to verify the ownership of your domain by adding a TXT record in your DNS configuration. You can do this from the workspace settings (must be a workspace owner to configure this).

Once your domain is verified, you have the ability to enable auto-join and SSO.



Single Sign-On (SSO) is an enterprise-plan feature that allows your to log into Basedash through your identity provider (e.g. Okta, Auth0, OneLogin, Azure, Google, etc.).

Once SSO is enabled for your workspace, users will no longer be able to log into Basedash using email & password or Sign In with Google.

In order to enable SSO, you must first verify a domain (see above section on domain verification). It is important that we verify domain ownership for SSO because once SSO is enabled, all users with an email address corresponding with the verified domain will be forced to log in via the configured SSO identity provider.

Configuring SSO is slightly different depending on your identity provider, but essentially, you only need to do two things:

  1. Insert the Basedash ACS URL ( into your identity provider.
  2. Paste in XML metadata from your Identity provider into the Basedash SSO settings.

You may also need to enter an Entity ID, in which case you can use


Can I map user groups from my identity provider (e.g. Okta) to “teams” in Basedash?

We currently don’t support this, but let us know if this is something you would use.

Can I setup SSO on multiple workspaces?

SSO is tied to a domain, so if you’ve verified and enabled SSO for a domain on one workspace, then SSO login will be enabled on all workspaces associated with user accounts with emails at the verified domain.

Will Basedash workspace members that don’t have an email at the verified domain be forced to sign-in with SSO?

No. If you have Basedash workspace members with email addresses that don’t correspond with the verified domain, they will be able to sign in using email & password or Sign In with Google.