Supported DB types: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift, MariaDB, SQL Server

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Passwords cannot be retrieved from the AWS console. They must be saved in on your side during the database setup process.

RDS (including Aurora)

  1. Go to
  2. image
  3. Select RDS database you want to connect to Basedash. You'll find your host and port under the Connectivity & security tab.
  4. image
    Make sure the DB is set to be publicly accessible, otherwise Basedash won't be able to connect. This is most easily set at the creation of your database (see below screenshot for the configuring public accessibility during the setup of a DB). If you need to change public accessibility AFTER you database has been created, follow the steps in this AWS article.
    Setup step where you can configure a database to be publicly accessible.
    Setup step where you can configure a database to be publicly accessible.
    If connecting to an Aurora database, the hostname you should use is the Writer endpoint found from the Connectivity & security tab on the aurora instance.
    Aurora databases should use the writer endpoint on the aurora instance as the host in BaseDash.
    Aurora databases should use the writer endpoint on the aurora instance as the host in BaseDash.
  5. You can find the username in the Configuration tab under the Master username label.
  6. image
  7. The database name will be found under the DB name label if you created a database at the point of creation of the RDS instance, otherwise the database name will be the name of whatever database you've created manually on your RDS instance.
  8. The database password is not display anywhere, so you must store it yourself upon creation of the RDS instance.
  9. The security group associated with the RDS/Redshift instance should have an inbound TCP rule that gives access to the Basedash server to connect to your database.
  10. image
    Note the /32 that needs to be added to the IP
    Note the /32 that needs to be added to the IP


  1. Go to and select the cluster you'd like to connect to.
  2. image
  3. Copy the Endpoint found under the General information tab. The endpoint is made up of your host, database name, and port. For example, given an endpoint of, the host is, the port is 5439, and the database name is dev.
  4. Similarly to the RDS instructions above, the password cannot be found in the AWS console and must be saved on your end at the time of the Redshift cluster's creation. Also, make sure the cluster is publicly available and the security group associated with the cluster's VPC has an inbound TCP rule that gives access to the Basedash server.
  5. Like RDS, make sure your cluster is publicly accessible in the Network and security settings.
  6. image

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