


Supported DB types: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server

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Supported databases

Azure has the following database offerings that can be connected to Basedash:

All Azure database offerings

Azure Database for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB

  1. Go to Azure Database for PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MariaDB in Azure
  2. image
  3. Go to database you'd like to connect to Basedash
  4. image
  5. Find your username and hostname on the overview page.
  6. image
  7. The value for the port depends on the dialect:
    • Postgres: 5432
    • MySQL & MariaDB: 3306
  8. Whitelist the Basedash server IP from the Connection security settings page.
  9. image

SQL Database (i.e. SQL Server)

The port for any SQL Database instances is 1433. The password cannot be found from the Azure portal and must be saved on the user's side during the creation of the SQL Database.

You can find the host and username from the Azure portal using the following steps:

  1. Go to SQL databases in Azure
  2. image
  3. Select database to connect to BaseDash. The database name to be used in Basedash is the name listed in the Name column. For example, in the screenshot below, the database name is basedash-sqlserver.
  4. image
  5. The host name should be found under the Server name label.
  6. image
  7. To get the username associated with the database, click the Server name link and use the value under Server admin.
  8. image
  9. While on the server overview page, click on the link to view the firewall settings and set the Basedash server IP a whitelisted IP.
  10. image

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