


Views allow you to view and edit your database data in a more user friendly way.

Creating a view

You can create a view for a team or you can create a private view for yourself that you might later want to move into a team. You can do so from the main sidebar.


Editing a view


Collection configuration

This is where you will determine how your view displays a collection of records. You are able to do things such as:

  • Decide if your view should be seen in table, list, or card layout
  • Pick an attribute that is used for the display image on records
  • Visible attributes

Layout types









By default, a chart is shown at the top of a view that will show how the number of records on your view has changed over time. By default, we display the chart as “discrete” values, which will show the number of records each day. You can also select the chart to display values as “cumulative”, which will display the total number of records on each day.

You can also configure what attribute should be used for the “x-axis” of the chart. By default we will try to intelligently select a date column for you, but if you have multiple date columns, you might want to explicitly select which column should be used.


Display image

You can select an attribute that should be used for the “display image” value for your records. The value will be used to display an image in your collection view. Note that this only has an effect in list and card layouts. You can also choose “custom” to interpolate a record value into a URL that resolves to an image.


Record configuration

The record configuration is how you want a single record to appear when it is selected from a collection view or when it is viewed through a relations modal. You are also able to configure whether a record should be allowed to be edited or deleted from this configuration section, along with what attribute values to make visible.



A relation can be used to show related records. For example, an ecommerce application might have an Orders view and an Order Items view. The Order Items view contains individual items that make up an order. By setting up a relation between the views, it’s possible to load all the items related to an order without navigating to the Order Items view.

View relations are accessible when viewing a single record and each relation shows up as a tab when viewing a record in a modal or as it’s own section under a records attributes.


Display values in relations

Related records will display the first two list layout attributes for the related view. It will also display a display image for the record if it exists on the related view.

Nested view relations

It’s possible to click on a related record to view more details on the related record, including any further relations that might be associated with the related record.

Form configuration

Allow record creation: Disable this if you want to prevent users from creating new records in your view.

Disable other layouts: If you only want to use your view to create new records, you can toggle this option.

Required and optional attributes: Pick which required and optional attributes will be display in the record creation form.

The record creation form is what appears when you create a new record from your view or from another view that references the current view via a relation.


Info configuration

Name: The name of your page shown in the app.

Emoji: The emoji of your page shown in the app.

Description: A description of what your view is used for.

Joined tables: If you want to join more database tables to your source table, this will allow more attributes to be available in your view. By default, we automatically join tables to you view based on the foreign keys found in your source table.

The details section is where you can configure details such as:

  • The name, description, and emoji
  • Slack notifications
  • What database tables should be joined to the source table in order to access more attributes on your view

Slack notifications

Slack notifications will allow you to receive a slack message for newly created records on your view. The attributes that are used in the slack notification are those of your currently selected view layout.


Watched attribute

You must specify an attribute that we “watch” to determine what new records have been added to your view. You can pick any date-related attribute on your view.

Notification frequency

You can select the frequency at which slack notifications appear (daily, hourly, real-time). Note the real-time option concretely means that a check is done once every 5 minutes.



When you apply a filter on a view, you will be prompted to save that filter as a Segment. Segments are essentially just saved filters on your views. Segments will appear in the sidebar for your view where you will be able to see some stats and a chart for the segmented view data.

Segments can also be used in team dashboards.


Creating records

Creating records is possible on editable database tables and views that don’t include joined tables.

You can click the button to create a new record at the bottom of a view or within the expandable sidebar.


Deleting records

Deleting records is possible on editable database tables and view that don’t include joined tables.

You can delete a record by selecting the checkbox corresponding to a record and then clicking on the delete button at the bottom left. It’s possible to delete more than 1 record at a time by selecting multiple records.


Sorting and filtering

You can sort a column on a table or view by clicking on the header for the column that should be sorted. You are only able to apply one sort at a time on connection tables. However, you can apply multiple sorts from a view. When you apply sorts on a view from the view editor, you are essentially applying the “default sorting” mechanism for a view. In other words, users will be able to click on the column headers of views to set a new sort order.

Sorting is available by clicking on the table header.
Sorting is available by clicking on the table header.
Sorts and filters can be applied from the view editor.
Sorts and filters can be applied from the view editor.

Filters can be applied to a table or view by clicking on the filter icon and specifying the filter criteria that should be used. It’s possible to add multiple filters and they will be added with an “AND” condition. Currently it’s not possible to combine filters with “OR” conditions using basic views. For more advanced filters, consider creating an SQL view. When applying filters from the view editor, those filters will always be applied to the view. In other words, users won’t be able to override those filters using the filter popover outside of the view editor. Any additional filters applied outside of the view editor will be in addition to the filters defined from the view editor.

Filters being applied from the filter popover available in the top bar of tables and views.
Filters being applied from the filter popover available in the top bar of tables and views.

Based on the attribute type, you will be presented with a different set of filter options.

For example, Date attributes will have the following filter operators available:

  • is...
  • is not...
  • is before...
  • is after...
  • is on or before...
  • is on or after...
  • is null
  • is not null

Number attributes will see the following filter operators available:

  • =
  • !=
  • <
  • >
  • <=
  • is null
  • is not null

Undoing edits

After an edit has been made, it is possible to undo the change from the toast that appears at the bottom right of the screen.


Read-only data

If a table cell appears greyed out, it means that the data is not editable and is read-only. There are many reasons for why data can be read-only:

  • If a data source is configured to not allowing edits
  • You have read-only permissions

Note that primary key columns are always read-only.

Real-time collaboration

If more than one person is viewing a database table or view, a realtime indicator will appear at the top of the page with the avatars of the other people currently viewing the data. If another user is focused on a particular table cell, that cell will be outlined with a color representing the user.


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